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    10 Responses

    1. Crooked Timber has this excellent article on child care that includes fathers (and co-mothers).

      Do check it out.

    2. dear UV:

      Southall Black Sisters are facing closure (withdrawal of funding)…very important group for women of color in London on domestic violence, forced marriage. http://www.southallblacksisters.org.uk/

      also see womensenews on forced marriages around the world. http://www.womensenews.org/article.cfm?aid=3503

      keep up your good works/articles!!! kathy ward

    3. Erica Jong on the death of the hopes that 1968 held out.

      “But here is what amazes: even the most dependent years of childhood take up only a fraction of women’s lives, and the cost of early childhood education, preschools, crèches and such would come nowhere near the cost of war, yet there is no political will in the US to make life healthier for childbearing women and children. That is the ultimate cost of the backlash – and once again, it targets the most vulnerable among us.

      “968 was a brief flare of hope for the human species. It was extinguished. The thugs with jackboots are back. Some of them have vaginas. Or, as Oprah would say, “vajayjays”. Talk about the problem that has no name: we can’t even name our own clefts.

      Feminism, founded by Mary Wollstonecraft, advanced by Virginia Woolf, Eleanor Roosevelt, Gloria Steinem and Hillary Clinton, has become nameless again. Perhaps a new generation will rediscover it like the shard of an ancient cooking vessel. Perhaps someone will name it again. I’ll be there.”

    4. Sandra Tsing Loh in this month’s Atlantic on Hirshman’s attack on stay-at-home moms and the reasons to reexamine the notion that for a woman to not have a career is a betrayal of feminism.

      “Perhaps our generation of mothers can at least offer an innovation that the early radical feminists never had…you can have it all—if you run your house like a man.”

    5. My amateur website for working women struggeling to be superwomen. Let’s relax and laugh more!

    6. http://www.candyfloss.se SRy, forgot to mention the site

    7. vintage clothing may help the situation with some comforting funky clothes….?

    8. Hi How i can propagate images here ?
      I try upload it, but something wrong.

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